Hello everyone! I hope you have been doing well. I have come back to give a little explanation of my random hiatus.
During my junior year, I decided to sign up to be in this class where I have an internship. I thought it would be a wonderful experience and such. This year, when I actually had to deal with it, things turned out to be extremely difficult and I was lacking the time and effort to even dress up or do anything else worthwhile.
Meanwhile, my camera stopped working and I just lost the inspiration.
I finally decided to drop the class. After so much hard work and getting blown off and drama, it had not been worth the gain at all. I feel a lot better and a lot less stressed since dropping it, so I've decided to take back up the activities I previously liked.
I am not on the technical crew in my theatre program which is absolutely wonderful. I started dressing up again and I auditioned for the talent show again.
Anyway, I am going to start blogging again for good. Wish me luck!~ [:
Yours Truly, Jamie♥
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